Skiers Cumbrian Cycle Challenge
On 4 June James P-T will endeavour to cycle 115 miles around the Lake District to raise money for Snow-Camp (to sponsor James click here). This is to mark our 10th anniversary and James is trying to race sufficient funds to put 10 young people through their flagship program. Snow-camp focuses on giving young people from inner-city communities positive futures through snowsports; their mission is to engage young people through skiing and snowboarding to provide life-skills training and mental health support, while enabling them to gain qualifications and employment in the snowsports industry and beyond. Over the last year with snow domes and ski centres across the UK closed due to Covid restrictions, and the desperate impact lockdowns have had on the young, their work on mental health has become even more paramount. As skiers this charity completely resonates with us, using the sport that we love and have been so privileged to enjoy to make a meaningful impact on the futures of so many young people. For more information about Snow-Camp please click here.
For the challenge James has recruited a small team of skiing friends and peers from within the ski industry to join him on his endeavour. The ride will be far from straightforward and not only is it incredibly long for a single day's cycling, it is the brutality of the hills that makes the task so daunting. The team will have to endure some 12000ft of ascent, including Britain's toughest climb "Hardknott Pass" which comes after 90 miles and is as steep as 30% in parts. There are going to be some mighty sore legs after that!
If you would like to join James on the Skiers Cumbrian Cycle Challenge then please e-mail him on james@ptski.com for more information.