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Covid Situation in Switzerland

Updated 30 April


Arrivals into the UK must quarantine for 10 days when travelling from Switzerland and covid tests to be taken on day 2 and day 8 must be arranged before travel. This can be shortened to 5 days under the "test and release" scheme with a test on day 5; this does not negate the requirement for a test on day 8.


There are now no requirements for visitors from the UK to quarantine on arrival in Switzerland (although if you are flying into Switzerland you will need a negative covid test in order to travel). 


Although Switzerland has started its vaccination program it is going at a slow pace compared with the UK. Concerns over new mutations have also dominated headlines over recent months. Switzerland suffered a significant spike in December but since then has seen falling infection rates, although they have picked up a little recently. From 1 March non essential shops, outdoor leisure facilities and museums have been allowed to open, while from 19 April restaurants and bars have also been able to open, but only for outdoor seating. Private gatherings are permitted up to 10 people.


For up to date information on the situation in Switzerland please click here.